723 Market St.
Metropolis, IL. 62960
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 264
Email: mcreynoldsdale1950@gmail.com

Pastel and Acrylic Art

Some have considered my paintings in the genre of the Realist, because my art is inspired by memories of people, places and things that I wish to share. At an early age in life, I developed an affinity of watching people and drawing their faces, in hopes of capturing their moods and personalities. Portrait painting provides a personal pathway of expression, as it affords the opportunity to bring to canvas what I am feeling at the moment.
By using Pastels, which is my preferred medium, it allows me to start a painting under one inspiration, and often pausing and returning to the canvas under a different inspiration; sometimes giving me an end result different from my original thought. I count this as "Divine Inspiration", guiding my mind and hands, as well as the other aspects of my life.
Sometimes I will paint Landscapes and Still Life using Acrylic medium. The brush seems to suit me better in these areas.